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African Student Union

African Student Union Image
Raised toward our $1,500 Goal
3 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

African Student Union

The mission of the African Student Union (ASU) is to foster leadership development through the coordination of educational and awareness projects. We work towards our goals by coordinating a regular series of roundtable discussions on a range of topics while also centering the dialogue on the African continent. In addition, we pursue our goal of uplifting the African continent and African people through conversation, creativity, and creation. Our hope is to fulfill the UMW community’s desire to participate with the global world in its exploration of the many beautiful aspects of Africa. 

We strive to be a place where our African students can find a familiar face and establish new connections with one another. Our biggest event is Colors of Africa which we will be hosting on February 10, 2024. 

Your philanthropic support will:

  • Help us make the Colors of Africa event as festive and as engaging as possible.
  • Enable us to execute smaller events throughout the year, such as hosting recreational events and collaboration with other universities and historical museums.
  • Allow us to purchase merchandise such as t-shirts, pins, stickers, and more to increase pride and recognition.

Follow us on Instagram! @asu_umw

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