The Young Alumni Challenge is a place for the most recent grads of UMW (classes of the last ten years), to express their gratitude by giving back and to pay it forward for future generations of Eagles.

The Fund for Mary Washington counts on our youngest alumni to give back to current students, just like they did for you.

Your gift to the Fund for Mary Washington is important. Why? Because gifts of all sizes add up. That’s how an annual fund works! It takes thousands of donors giving what they can to help UMW cover the many costs that simply aren’t met by tuition and other sources of revenue.

This year's challenge is a Devil-Goat Challenge with a goal of 50 donors from each class. The team (Devils or Goats) with the highest participation rate will receive a custom sticker—Devils for odd-numbered classes and Goats for even-numbered classes. Will you help your team get there by making a gift this fiscal year (July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025)?

All gifts, regardless of size or designation, help positively impact our students, faculty, and programs. 

Our Crowdfunding Groups