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Student Government Association

Student Government Association Image
Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
3 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Student Government Association

Student Government Association (SGA) is truly an organization for students by students. Founded in 1915, SGA has every day since served, supported, and engaged with our student body. Throughout the year, we host various forums, social events, and opportunities for students and student leaders. SGA has created traditional events such as ASPIRE week, which is entering its second year, that puts the student voice back into student events and experience. 

Your philanthropic support will help provide feminine products that we supply in bathrooms across campus, student giveaways, student leadership events, and our big event of the year, ASPIRE week.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Instagram: @umwsga   Facebook: UMW Student Government Association

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